Friday, December 31, 2010

Last night Allen Hood spoke the word of the Lord concerning the human body and all it's glory. Jesus thank You. Now at 9am the Justin Rizzo band is about to blow the roof off the place with his choir and orchestra. WATCH and worship ten Misty Edwards will give a teaching after Stephan Venable. Last day of Onething bringing in the new year!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Morning session was superb with Tim Reihmerr leading prophetic worship, Dana Candler reminding us that Our Maker is our husband who will pursue us jealously with love in order to gain our response of love back that ravished His heart. Wes Martin followed Luke Wood's team song and challenged us to voluntary weakness of fasting. When we mess up press delete and do t give up and our hearts will be tenderized to have more of God. Next session: Jaye Thomas leads worship followed by Allen Hood teaching. Don't miss it!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Last session was great! Matt Gilman brought the presence with his heartfelt worship and then Mike Bickle spoke on the rewards of loving God wholeheartedly; how we don't want to have regret on the day we stand before Christ Jesus. Mike was very moved as he closed his message and Misty and her piano led us into singing straight to God's heart. Next up: Matt Gilman leading worship at 7:00pm followed by passionate teaching from Lou Engle. Watch for free or on GodTV
We were blessed again this morning by Stuart who brought the word of God to display His heart for His bride. Stuart emphasized the desire of our Lord to bring together ethnic groups, all nations together in worship and prayer, putting aside differences while celebrating uniqueness and How each is loved deeply by Jesus. The Bride will be unified And beautiful to God. Shelley gave a powerful exhortation from Isaiah 51-52 to us to arise out of the dust and take our place seated with Christ on His throne. She shared from her own moving testimony of overcoming hard heartedness, suicidal tendencies, and depression result of years of abuse. Shelley testified how God showed up and gave her hope, healing, and restoration through the reality of His great love for her. This love is for each of us and it is real! Thank You Jesus open our hearts to receive more. Now we are about to start with Matt Gilman leading worship Whoohoo! And Mike Bickle teaching after that. Watch free webcast.
9am Onething session about to start. Misty Edwards leading worship. Shelley Hundley and Stuart Greaves teaching. Last night was a great teaching by Mke Bickle on the Bridegroom, King, and Judge facets of Jesus' personality. Beautiful God who does not contradict Himself but does everything to bring forth love and remove al that hinders love. Mike shared many of his life lessons of humility in listening and obeying God. I gotta grip now. Keep watching for free.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The first session of Onething has come and gone, but many more on the way! Misty worshipped the beauty of our God who just wants to be with us forever. He is beautiful and worth it all! Corey exhorted us on how much we could hand over still to this worthy Lord Jesus. Reminding us that our time is what God wants. Time to allow Him to move upon our hearts and create a resting place for Him on the inside of us. God wants real relationship, not chasing us down in our crazy schedule but voluntary giving of ourselves to His will. God made us to love and fill with His glory so that His Son would be loved in all the earth; worshiped as the Savior who laid down His life so we could be with God forever. Let us surrender our time, thoughts, eating habits, sleeping, everything because He is worthy! Lord help us by the power of Your Spirit to do intercession, holiness, offerings, prophesying in the glory and for the glory of Jesus. Next session @ 7:00pm: Misty Edwards and Mike Bickle with a special by Laura Hackett. Tune in free webcast Bless You
Dry run for IHOP media crew. Onething starts today at 2pm with Misty Edwards and Corey Russell. Tune in

Monday, December 27, 2010


 Philippians 4:8 
Finally, brothers and sisters, 
whatever is true
whatever is noble
whatever is right
whatever is pure
whatever is lovely
whatever is admirable
if anything is excellent 
           or praiseworthy
—think about such things.

I was thinking of getting a tattoo of these words on me.  I need so desperately to discern and focus my thoughts on these kinds of things: true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy.  If I think on these things according to the righteousness and judgement of Christ Jesus my heart will become more pure.  

As I behold, I will become.  I will look at Christ, at His word until I can see these qualities even as Jesus did in each person.  He had compassion on all, and in each suffering trial He was lead to walk out as part of His predestined path, He rejoiced.  

Oh Lord take from me complaining and discontent and give me the Joy of You as my strength.  Christ in me You are my hope of glory, and I will search out Your beautiful character until I know You intimately, personally by experience.  Give me grace to run the race to find Your heart in every moment of my life.  Help me to think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy according to Your word.  I love You Jesus fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

John 6:63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. 64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.”........67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.  68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
Phone Test: I'm seeing here if my phone is linked correctly to my blog. If so I am going to try keep you updated from Onething, which starts tomorrow!

Watch the Nefarious Trailer