Friday, April 27, 2012

Support Me to DC

BACK TO LIFE has been given another mission. 39 women who walked from Houston to Dallas to end abortion are now GOING TO THE SUPREME COURT IN WASHINGTON DC to pray with the authority that God has given us as a group to uphold a standard of LIFE in our nation. 

Supreme Court Justices are deciding weather or not to allow Obamacare to cause the biggest expansion of abortion in America, but we believe that God is using the prayers of His people to be the arrows that shoot down this death decree. 
I NEED YOU to support me, to PARTNER with me to pray that our nation would stop spilling blood, and start crying out for mercy and revival! You can sow into the pro-life prayer movement financially & help buy my plane ticket by donating thru my paypayl on my blog THANK YOU

Day 4 Rainy-day #1

Me, Alisha, Angela
Security Mark & Tim

Our first rainy day: Day 4 of our 21 day walk.  We split up into 3 groups of ladies, and covered about 3 miles each.  Our security guard briefed us of what to do in case of lightening, & tornadoes, and made sure we were all prepared to be safe walkers.  I am so thankful for our security guards that accompanied us along our walk.  God really used them to keep us safe, and they were in turn blessed by their role as 'papa's to us, always stepping in when a strange man or dog would get a little too close to us ladies.  We were so blessed by the body of Christ along the way.  

I command my feet to praise the Lord!
On day four we also experienced our first massage treat!  A blessed young woman gave 10 minute massages for about 4 hours straight!  She was such a blessing to us, but like all the others who poured into our journey, she was in turn blessed by serving the Back to Life women.  I am blessed looking back and seeing from an afterward perspective the determination, the toughing it out, the going low, and the faith that was in each of us as we kept walking on day after day.  Despite blisters, sore knees, ankles, shins, arches, and backs; despite negative questions from friends or family, and attacks of our thoughts from the lying enemy; the Back to Life walkers, who were chosen for such a time as this, we kept on walking, and walking and walking.  I did not have it in my mind that I could not finish, I knew God had spoken to me that I would finish the walk, but how He would accomplish that in me I did wonder how!?  I had already had trouble with my arches even before starting training, but the amazing things was that God led me to the right shoes & insoles, and He was faithful to keep my body healthy and strong for the whole time!  I am so thankful because I could not have finished strong without God's help.  He kept each one of us safe, and at the same time ministered to our hearts to bring forth a more vibrant love and faith in Jesus.  
Group 1
It's funny how we had severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings on Day 4 but with no actual tornados...little did we know a couple weeks later we would face twin tornados entering Dallas county.  I'll tell you more about that experience later!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 3 Let Me See

BTL walkers 1st day leaving press conference
I've been watching the Back to Life Movement archives online, starting from the 1st day.  They all are so amazing the 39 women who walked these 250 miles from Houston to Dallas.  Each of them has such a deep conviction to stand up and proclaim LIFE over our nation.  Each woman greatly desires to make her voice, how abortion, being legal for the past 39 years in America has affected them.  The power of the stories we tell in the videos will go on impacting lives for a long time.
See Angela's post-abortive story. See Jesus healing her heart.
When the book of remembrance is opened in Heaven, God will see each BTL video and glory will be given to His Son Jesus!  This is why we walked so far, that His glory would cover the earth.  That each step would break the ground that death has gained in our nation, and LIFE would be released by our obedience to the Lord to walk.
Visit Back to Life Movement online for more info and videos
We are calling America BACK to Life.  Each of the 39 walkers has returned to their homes, and we have began to adjust to daily responsibilities, but our hearts still burn with a prayer.... GOD END Abortion!
Identifying with silence
of 54 million aborted babies
who cannot speak up & ask to live.
Silent Siege, prayer at clinic
I personally have had the opportunity to re-start a Bound4LIFE Chapter here in Las Vegas, and I am praying also about a venue to establish a house of prayer next to a pregnancy center (where I am going to volunteer) and next to an abortion clinic where I had my own child murdered in my womb.  The horror of sin and death will be overcome by the pleading of the Blood of Jesus, and the prayers will arise continually, filling the bowls in heaven.  Our God sees, He hears, and He will act on behalf of the poor and needy, and those lost like sheep without a shepherd.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we have so many testimonies from Back to Life Movement of how God has broken into hurting women's lives to bring purity, hope, and healing.  We give glory to Our God, for He is truly good to all!

BTL girls in prayer in hotel room
I feel I must walk it out before I can have a ministry or house of prayer, and so I am asking God to fill me with His burdens, and let me pray what He is praying for such a time as this. I am Your house of prayer now Lord!  Let Your Spirit fill me, I am Your temple, come live and abide in me, as I abide in You, Jesus.  God has plans that are good for our future, and the fear of the Lord will clean us as we cling to the finished work of the Cross.  I so desire to have a vibrant prayer life, and be mighty in the scriptures.  The bible is the tool God used to wash me clean and I know that is true for so many others.  Prayer has brought me into deeper knowledge and experiences as I enjoy God in a personal relationship.  God is alive, and I want to be His witness as I live these 70+ years on earth.  Lord Jesus let me be faithful as You were faithful to show us the Father.
So I open up my heart for God's Holy Spirit to move me to my knees, that I would find His heart and agree with Jesus' continual intercession.  I ask for diligence in studying the Word of God, and wisdom in time management to allow for extended times of simply talking with God, listening to Him, and obeying as I hear.  There is no greater joy than the nearness of the Lord; in His presence is fullness of joy!
Son of BTL walker cheering for mom
as she calls America Back to life

Now, I also pray now that men would also arise and let their voices be heard, as women are beginning to do; telling the truth about the pain and regret of choosing to kill our children.  The post-abortion counseling we walkers went through is called Healing Hearts, and they have healing courses for post abortive men and women.  Please check out their website and do a course; find healing, and let God restore what the enemy has stolen; and what the devil meant for evil God will use for good.  Raise up your voice, and let your pain bring the rain of God's Spirit of comfort and healing, as He raises up fathers and mothers dedicated to the Author of Life, Jesus Christ, and it is in His name I Pray.  Amen

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 2 Church First

Leah & Nate Nelson

Day 2 of the walk, Back to Life Movement, and all of us girls were still getting to know each other, and find a good routine.  The first day we had stopped every mile or so and took a break, which was not the best plan since it ended up taking 6 hours to walk 12 miles.  On the second day we had refined the plan and the water was in the security vehicle, along with snacks we could grab out of the back window.  Julia Palermo or Heather Brown, or some lovely staff member would also ride in the security vehicle to help anyone in need.  The other vehicles in our system included the front vehicle, driven by Nate Nelson, Leah, our physical trainer & co-walker, her husband.  The back vehicle was driven by Dale, who runs the national helpline for abortion recovery.  He heard about the walk needing a rear car 2 days before we started walking, made his own 'Pedestrians Ahead' sign, and drove from Arkansas to Houston.  His wife is also really nice, and works with him on the helpline; we had the privilege of finally meeting her at the Esther Call after hearing so many wonderful things about her on the rides back to the hotels.  I am so blessed by the support staff and the support families that were a seriously important part of our Back to Life team.  We could not have made it without the wonderful support.  My thanks and love goes out to all those who helped us along the way! 

Dale's rear vehicle 
Security Mark and the girls

David Allen, Shofar guy
 As you saw in the video above, we had a supporter with a shofar, blowing it along our walks.  David Allen followed us blowing the horn for about the first week of our walk.  He gave us all personalized autographed copies of his book, Horn of Samuel, Heaven's Trumpet Call of Liberty to Those Hurt by Abortion.  His story is amazing how he sounded the shofar in the Houston Planned Parenthood before it was opened as America's largest abortion clinic.  He had to stand trial for the charges and I still haven't finished the book, but I'll let you know later how it turns out.  He is post-abortive himself, and knows the pain and need for restoration.  Please check out his book if you get a chance.  

Then you saw the clip in my video where the girls were pouring water on their shoes and feet, it's because they had stepped in a big ant pile and the ants were crawling all over them!  Since Jehovah is our protector they got away without any harm, Praise God.  Bees also came to visit us one day, but only one girl got stung.  Dogs barked at us along the way, horses, donkeys, cows and birds lifted their voice too!  There were many things we learned along our walk, that made us become a well-oiled team walking through all kinds of terrain and weather as I'll tell you about later on.             

Leah (trainer), me, Laura (founder)
 Looking back now it's so amazing that in only 21 days we accomplished so much with so little.  God is the Lord of the Breakthrough and we know He has proved faithful to us.  Today I saw some fruit of our prayers to bring America back to life in my home church in Las Vegas.  Our head pastor has approved a young woman to train up a team of post-abortive counselors and offer the ministry by announcing it from the platform!  No longer will the church have to suffer in silence, but many women can come out and have their voices heard, unto healing and restoration.  It is such a good thing what God has done to make a way for us to come unto Him! Sinners, brokenhearted, poor, needy, rich, prideful...we all have fallen short of God's glory plan for our lives but He does not leave us as orphans.  Father God still greatly desires we all be a part of His family and share in the inheritance of Jesus, so therefore the Blood of the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!  The good news is getting out there to a hurting generation, and I believe that when we plead the blood of Jesus, He will send revival.  Revival must start in the church.  Judgement comes to the church first, and we are to be God's witnesses to the ends of the earth, so we must set the standard of coming unto Christ in repentance.  We must let the world know that healing comes by accepting forgiveness, the finished work on the Cross. Praise God for sending His Son Jesus so that none should perish, but whoever believes in Him should have everlasting life!  LIFE!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 1 Forget Us

This video was from the first day walking with the Back to Life Movement.  We were walking through a 'bad' area of Houston's city and we had met many people along the way who were curious why 39 women would be wearing the same shirts, and walking in a line through the streets of their neighborhood.  Some of the ladies would tell them, "We are walking from Houston to Dallas, praying for the ending of abortion!"  When the onlookers would hear that they would sometimes not be able to get past the walking from Houston to Dallas part, saying, "What?! Really?! Wow! Ok?"  Other women would have a shock to their soul, as they would hear the word abortion, and suddenly remember their own.  I bet they were surprised that a group of women were taking such a stand to say, "Abortion is wrong, and it hurts women."  Maybe some of the women we passed by had never had anyone ever give the argument that abortion was not the best thing for women, and maybe they were never allowed to feel remorse for what they secretly regretted and grieved over in their hearts.  
Laura Allred, Doug Stringer, Leah Nelson pep talk
Losing a child is an obvious tragedy, but think about losing your child because you paid $400 dollars to have them killed.  Are you allowed to have sorrow for a choice you made?  Even if society says that you should not grieve the loss of an aborted child because it was your decision, the fact is that the way a women was created automatically demands sorrow for loss of her child.  A woman cannot conceive a baby, know it's inside of her, ready to grow and live, and then after it's aborted forget completely about what should have been.  God made woman to bring forth children, and be the protector, nurturer, and Mother for the baby.  When we fail to carry out this purpose it disrupts the divine balance of human nature, and causes disruption within the soul of woman.  

Dr. Alveda King encouraging us
How can this be?  How can our world stand by accepting the fact that 1 out of every 5 pregnancies end in abortion?  Is God surprised by this innocent bloodshed?  Is there any hope for the people of this modern world to turn and be reconciled to God?  Do we even want to change and become right with God?  We have killed God's children, created in His image, and called it a 'good' thing.  In the name of convenience and 'better off' decisions we have taken lives into our own hands, making ourselves out to be our own gods, giving and taking lives for social can a society that does not protect their children be 'better off'?  Bloodguilt has now come upon 1 out of every 5 women, and there could not be the aborted child without the man who impregnated the there are actually 3 people affected by abortion, 2 continue to live affected by their choice, responsible for innocent bloodshed.  Can we ever be free again?  Is the punishment for the shedding of innocent blood irreconcilable?  How can God forget all the evil we have done?

Sing, O heavens!
Be joyful, O earth!
And break out in singing, O mountains!
For the Lord has comforted His people,
And will have mercy on His afflicted.
But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me,
And my Lord has forgotten me.”
“Can a woman forget her nursing child,
And not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Surely they may forget,
Yet I will not forget you.

Isaiah 49:13-15

There is only one way our world can be saved: the Lord's mercy.  I do not know how God could be so merciful to such evil people.  Being a post-abortive woman I speak from experience.  I know the pain, the shame, the sad regrets, the hopeless, worthless feelings that come after having an abortion.  I know that God sees everything plainly, and that He is holy.  I ran from Him, not believing in His mercy.  When finally I could not live with the darkness anymore, I stumbled across the bible, God's word.  It is truly living and active, and the truth of His love penetrates the darkness with light, and God's word becomes a new life filled with bright promises of good future.  

Our first of many, group photos: 39 walkers
God is not surprised by our sin; we usually have so much pride that we are surprised at our own sins.  The Lord is grieved by our sin, but He never forsakes us, and will not leave us as hopeless orphans.  He created us for a purpose, and to be in His family forever.  The depth of His mercy is that He allows us to choose our paths in life.  We can follow Him unto eternal life, or we can go the way of deception unto death by sin.  

Please hold onto His word, and study these truths diligently.  They alone can keep us steady and safe from falling into temptation.  God's mercy endures throughout our growing up into maturity and holiness.  By His Holy Spirit we can learn to walk in the spirit, and not in the flesh.  We have to be familiar with what God has promised us, and what a great inheritance we have as co-heirs with Christ.  

Papa Lou Engle
We are invited into a great treasure hunt of the knowledge of God.  This hunt will not only pay off in the end, but it now has great rewards: our minds renewed, our vision restored and enlarged, we become a new creation, and our destiny is secured for all eternity!   The only way to true freedom, is to be where the Spirit of the Lord is.  God, our Father, has loved us beyond what words can describe in giving His only Son to bleed and die on the cross for our sins.  He gave Jesus 2000+ years before I ever even killed my child!  His love breaks the boundaries of past, present, and future; and God's love is worthy of honor and respect.  I cannot imagine shunning such an intense love; and I know that no person could cause me to experience so great a love.  Humans forget one another, and have not compassion on each other, but God has never forgotten us!  The Lord our God is our Redeemer, who is Jesus, who always lives to make sure we live forever with Him.  Thank You Jesus

Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them
Hebrews 7:25

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

PreWalk WalkOn

LaSondra & Alice
I never would have thought I could be put with 38+ women and actually really deeply enjoy them, but God has done a true redemption and transformation in my heart over the past 5 years as I have given myself to His word and been obedient to His calling.  Today I am back in Las Vegas after having finished the Back to Life Movement walk on April 6th.  The above video is from before we started the walk, basically we had all just met each other and had no idea what we were about to go through.
My life has been forever impacted by this journey and I am so thankful for the women of God of Back to Life.  Tears I am holding back as I think about waking up everyday so far away from them, yet they are also tears of joy because God has brought us each to a higher level and called us to 'walk on' spreading His good news of life wherever we are.  This is only the beginning, rather than the end and I am more confident in the Lord's leadership than ever before.

Iman & Tennille
The beauty of God will go forth and His glory will cover the earth.  My hunger to be His messenger, to shine like stars with many saints, and to instruct many in these last days has increased exponentially.  I pray now that I will continue in diligence to search and seek for the knowledge of God as for hidden treasure and find the fear of the Lord.  I must gain wisdom and understanding of His ways, so whatever God has in store for me next: 'I say YES!'  Jesus is the only wise King, the only Trustworthy One, and He loves me through to the end of every trial, and I will love Him forever by His grace, and His Spirit will give me power in my inner man to do His will daily.  Thank You Lord that I can be Your witness!  Teach me Your beautiful ways, and reveal to me more and more of Your beautiful heart Father God.
I intend to review photos and events of the walk on my blog over the next few weeks, and  I pray God helps me to digest all that occurred and take me even deeper in His understanding.  Keep checking back for more review of my journey with Back to Life Movement.  God bless you

Watch the Nefarious Trailer