In Isaiah 45 the Lord says,
"I will go before you and will level the that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."
So I began to ask the Lord, what mountains do You want to crush in my life? What mountains do You, O God, want to destroy in my world? Then I believe the Lord was speaking to me that He wanted to crush, and destroy the mountains of 'LIES' in my life, and in the modern world. God is wanting to smash the lies that say mankind is worthless and hopeless. The lies that keep people from running to God, that label them something opposite from what the Lord has called them and created them to be. God will lay to waste lies of modern society that say we should just 'eat, drink, and be merry' because who can know the point of life?!! Only God can give understanding about the reason why we were created, because He is our Creator. As we seek the Lord we find our worth to Him. We realize that we are the ransomed of God, the redeemed by His blood. He paid the highest price for us to have salvation and revelation of our reason for living.
So we must hear what the Lord is saying, we must allow God to crush the false identity that has formed mountains around our destiny! We must let God level the mountains of lies and let Him come in like a flood of rushing living water! As He speaks truth into our souls we will become confident in His faithfulness, and His fulfillment of favorable promises to us who accept His word. Then we grow stronger with Christ as our foundation, a sure foundation.
If the Lord removes the mountains of lies, then we will know His kindness. We can be assured that though the mountains be removed, His kindness will not be removed. Even though He takes away things we used to lean on, He will support us and enable us to lean on Him instead. This is the light that will lead us into grateful adoration of Him as we accept and see how His truth sets us free! It will be a struggle to accept the crushing of God.
Just like at first when you find out that you were wrong, and you have been believing a 'lie' it brings offense to your heart. At that moment you must decide whether to feed that offense or surrender it to the Truth Revelator (Jesus). His kindness leads us out of the 'lies' into the truth so that we can be free, so we can be healed.
We are thankful at that point to be shown the truth, and to be free from the mountain of lies. The gentleness of God's persistent, unrelenting pursuit to plant truth in our hearts becomes our most prized experience. We then welcome all kinds of mind transforming words from God, and stop reluctantly laying down 'lies' but casting them down at His feet and crying out for more Him. He is the Truth, the way, the life.
God our Creator knows what is best for us, His creation. Do you think He would have created us to give the us the worst? Would God have made us to be mostly mad at, disappointed with, wanting to punish us all the time? NO! He created us to enjoy, to love, to delight Himself in us. I mean that is why you make things, to enjoy them! Why do you make a peanut butter jelly sandwich? To disgust yourself with? No! You make things to enjoy! You make tea to enjoy! You make a painting to enjoy! to express yourself! God made us, so He could delight in us, as He expresses Himself to all His creation through us!
Once we taste the comforting kindness of the King, we loose our hunger for the lesser pleasures of this world, and can only be satisfied by the higher, Divine pleasures that come from nearness with God. Standing with our Creator, Redeemer and Friend, we can be sure that no weapon formed against us can prosper. We can be sure that we will have the most abundant life, forever secure in the Everlasting Arms of Love Himself. That's His plan for us, that is what we were created for: to enjoy God, and be enjoyed by Him.