Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Diary from a phone: Detroit

Tuesday was another beautiful day, a bit drizzly, but lots of God made adventures. In the Morning we had a prayer meeting at the HOP (house of prayer). Matt Locket, director of Bound4LIFE & JHOP in Washington DC, spoke to us about the lifelong commitment to justice. When we say 'yes' to what Christ Jesus wants we cannot give it a try for a while, but these issues will form the way we live. He told us stories about William Wilburforce, and how after he abolished the slave trade he spent the rest of his life to end the ownership of slaves in England. Three yrs before his death he saw slavery abolished, but many have died before their justice assignment was victorious. Sometimes, and today societies are so wrapped up in the sin, that the thread of abortion for example cannot just be pulled out without affecting economy, and business ways that have been in place for almost 40 yrs now. This is not impossible, with God a moral restoration is possible, through prayer and grass roots movements that are headed by the upcoming generations to stop and turn their world around. It's been done, and can be done again. Matt encouraged us that God is going for the 'bigger' change, and has the ultimate plan for victory. Seeming failures in local/national government, votes, and prayer strikes, are winning in God's government because their obedience in agreeing with His Kingdom purposes are rewarded by Almighty God. Also, principalities & powers of darkness are dislodged and their influences removed as God's saints take authority given by Victorious King Jesus.
I was encouraged to press on, and commit for life, to give my life for the Kingdom of God to come on earth as it is in heaven. I mean what else would u do with my life. The rewards for giving this small part if my eternal life for the good news of Jesus far outweigh and rewards I could have in these 70yrs. Comfort and peace on earth will only truly come when Jesus reigns supreme over all societies and ethnic groups. So we must stand for Him, come what may, because it's gonna be worth it all!
We went out evangelizing at Hamtramck, community college, and university of MI, and my group saw a 14 yr old girl accept Christ, and she said she felt God's presence, 'not beside me, but in me'! Praise God! We passed out bibles, dream DVDs, he'll CDs, and prayed with many locals. God is truly pouring out His love to open hearts and renew hope. Keep praying!
TTFN from a phone

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