What kind of King dies for His people? What kind of Father sends His Son to die for His adopted children? What kind of Power raises the dead and brings life, hope, faith and love to all who behold it? Who loves us the most?
Jesus, who is God, in who, for who, and through who all things were created, He has always been from before the beginning of time. He is the Alpha and Omega, He sees the end from the beginning. He is God. God humbled Himself, took on the human form and was birthed by a woman who believed and obeyed, naming Him Jesus, the Savior. She was highly favored and the Lord was with her, she was visited by an angel from heaven who told her these things would happen: she would give birth to a Son conceived by the Spirit of God, He will reign on David's throne forever over a kingdom that will never end, and He will be called the Holy Son of God, for God's word will never fail.
"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" Mark 1:15 NIV
Mary, raised her God-child Jesus, until He became the God-man, and set out to spread the good news of His Father. Mercy has come in the form of a man who will be the Lamb of God, sacrificed once and for all to cleanse us from our sins by His very own blood. So to all He preached that they should repent and believe in Him, that they may be saved, because the Kingdom of God is near, and this is good news! For all who believe and obey will be adopted as children of God. Cry out on the name of Jesus, who will reign forever and ever! The kingdom of this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord, and only King Jesus can save us!
But he (Jesus) continued, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am [the one I claim to be], you will indeed die in your sins." John 8:22-24
Lord help us to believe and obey that we may find favor and strength to tell of your good news to those who have no revelation of this great hope. Thank You for being with us always, and thank You for Your blood, that has spoken better things to our Father God. Thank You for Your mercy and Holy Spirit. Now we are children of the Most High, the Holy One of God is our King, and we will follow Him, by His grace proclaiming with joy His message of love: Repent and believe! the Kingdom of God is near!
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