"Here we are, Here we are! We love You, We love You Lord, You're the One we came here for!" as we sang this in the prayer room today, my heart was awakend again to stand in awe of the love of God. IT is better than anything, better than wine, better than weed, better than rum, better than fleeting pleasures that last only a moment! God's love last forever! and ever!
Miracle: God can love through a broken vessel like me! His love, His righteousness, His blood has made me clean. It is God's glory to love me and through me!! Brilliant! There is nothing more satisfying than to do what He intended me to do: be loved and to love. How wonderful is the plan conceived by Love Himself. He will make men in His own image, but knowing they would turn away from being like that image once deceived by the enemy into wrong thinking about His glorious image, He has sent an exact representation of His image in the form of Christ Jesus, the word of God made flesh, walked among us. Not only that but He would become the Hero in the natural, the ultimate love story. Bridegroom dies bring Bride back to life! Wait!! It's even better! The Lover of us all, once was dead, but now is risen to life, resurrected and seated at the right hand of God almighty praying for us to have a renewed mind so we can see the beauty of the image we were created in! Oh the depths of the knowledge of God! How unsearchable His ways! Yet so beautiful is His mercy I cannot resist to keep seeking, and knocking, and asking for more revelation of my God, my King, my Judge, my Bridegroom, my Savior, my Friend, my Shepherd, my Oh my!
Well I cannot even pretend to understand, but I thank You Lord for the beautiful plan to love me and to love others through me. I say YES - Your ways are pure and right! "Come as close as You want, and consume this heart that longs to burn! I know Your fire can hurt, but I'd be the worse here without You. For I was made to dwell with You, and how I ache until I do!" another song we sing at IHOP just reinforces what I feel in my heart, and even if I don't always feel it, I will declare day by day until His truths and His love are the foundation of my soul. What God says is true! His Love Endures Forever! ever!
"All the other lovers fade away...." as Misty sings sometimes, and they sure do! All the ones I knew, I know no more, all the pleasures that sucked the life and breath and money from me, have left me with nothing to show for it. I know that God gives and He receives, so must I receive and give back to Him. That is the way I was created to be alive, in Him I live and move and have my being.
Joel tells it how it is! God is good, and He gives blessings so that we may bring offerings to Him who is worthy to receive all the glory!
13 Rend your heart
and not your garments.
Return to the LORD your God,
for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
and he relents from sending calamity.
14 Who knows? He may turn and relent
and leave behind a blessing—
grain offerings and drink offerings
for the LORD your God. Joel 2
He judges in righteousness because He made all things and has all authority. He knows what you were made for and what will bring us the best of life! Thank You Lord! Have Your Way in every way! Jesus!
Miracle: God can love through a broken vessel like me! His love, His righteousness, His blood has made me clean. It is God's glory to love me and through me!! Brilliant! There is nothing more satisfying than to do what He intended me to do: be loved and to love. How wonderful is the plan conceived by Love Himself. He will make men in His own image, but knowing they would turn away from being like that image once deceived by the enemy into wrong thinking about His glorious image, He has sent an exact representation of His image in the form of Christ Jesus, the word of God made flesh, walked among us. Not only that but He would become the Hero in the natural, the ultimate love story. Bridegroom dies bring Bride back to life! Wait!! It's even better! The Lover of us all, once was dead, but now is risen to life, resurrected and seated at the right hand of God almighty praying for us to have a renewed mind so we can see the beauty of the image we were created in! Oh the depths of the knowledge of God! How unsearchable His ways! Yet so beautiful is His mercy I cannot resist to keep seeking, and knocking, and asking for more revelation of my God, my King, my Judge, my Bridegroom, my Savior, my Friend, my Shepherd, my Oh my!
Well I cannot even pretend to understand, but I thank You Lord for the beautiful plan to love me and to love others through me. I say YES - Your ways are pure and right! "Come as close as You want, and consume this heart that longs to burn! I know Your fire can hurt, but I'd be the worse here without You. For I was made to dwell with You, and how I ache until I do!" another song we sing at IHOP just reinforces what I feel in my heart, and even if I don't always feel it, I will declare day by day until His truths and His love are the foundation of my soul. What God says is true! His Love Endures Forever! ever!
"All the other lovers fade away...." as Misty sings sometimes, and they sure do! All the ones I knew, I know no more, all the pleasures that sucked the life and breath and money from me, have left me with nothing to show for it. I know that God gives and He receives, so must I receive and give back to Him. That is the way I was created to be alive, in Him I live and move and have my being.
Joel tells it how it is! God is good, and He gives blessings so that we may bring offerings to Him who is worthy to receive all the glory!
13 Rend your heart
and not your garments.
Return to the LORD your God,
for he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and abounding in love,
and he relents from sending calamity.
14 Who knows? He may turn and relent
and leave behind a blessing—
grain offerings and drink offerings
for the LORD your God. Joel 2
He judges in righteousness because He made all things and has all authority. He knows what you were made for and what will bring us the best of life! Thank You Lord! Have Your Way in every way! Jesus!
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